The use of crystals dates back to the beginning of humanity. While the Sumerians are first on record to have used them in their magic formulas, crystals have been integral parts of many cultures and religions. The Ancient Egyptians used crystals and gems as adornments for jewelry and gravesites. They also used them for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The Egyptians as well as many religions used crystals for protection. Chrysolite (peridot, topaz), for example, was used to ward off evil spirits.
Incorporating crystals into your spiritual practices can offer many benefits for both the mind and body. Crystals are used as a median of energy flow to keep positive vibes flowing in and negativity out. With the uptick in crystal healing interest, more people are beginning to incorporate it into their rituals with the intent to ward off bad spirits and manifest greatness.
Here’s a beginners guide of types and tips to help you bring these powerful gems to your spiritual life:
How do I choose?
To get started, know the "why" behind your draw to crystals setting the intention for them before shopping for the actual gems. Think about what it is you're trying to manifest, heal or create energy to. Research different stones, their purpose, and the energy they possess. Connect a few with your intentions so you have a few in mind to look for.
Select your first crystals by letting them find you. Preferably, go to a store that specializes in metaphysical supplies and crystals. Be mindful when you enter and move to a group you feel a vibe from. Relax and close your eyes for a moment. Open them and the first one you see is for you. Another way is to have one catch your eye. It could be the shape, the color, and the energy you're receiving from it that's calling you to it. If you just can't shake the feeling, then that's the one.

The Importance of Cleansing
After a retail therapy session, especially when purchasing baby clothes and intimates, most people will wash the items before use. You want to cleanse them of potential germs from being handled or tried on. This is the same with crystals. Think about how many times your stone was passed around before you claimed it. From the dirt to your home, it has traveled to many places and been in many hands. The variety of energies it has absorbed needs to be cleansed.
It is important to note that periodic cleansing is important as well. Over time it will absorb the energy you put into it as well. The more you use it the more it will need cleansing. It may begin to look dull and lackluster. It may even feel heavier.
Meditate on each crystal as you cleanse, visualizing the negativity it has absorbed washing away breathing new light into it, and affirming what it is you are to manifest. Here are a few methods of crystal cleansing:
Bury them outside.
Dirt and water are like PB&J for a crystal. The two are just naturally made for each other. Cleansing or purifying the crystals underground for 24 hours will allow the negativity to be absorbed and trapped in the dirt.
The Waters
After retrieving the stone from the burial (or as a standalone method), run clean water over the stones. Springwater, alkaline water, or a natural source like an ocean or a lake to remove the "dirt" is a great way to cleanse. Bringing your crystals back into nature will energize both them and you during your journey. If using bottled or alkaline (or tap. Don't overthink it.) adding sea salt is also said to help purify.
Rice baths aren't just for saving your phone.
Rice also works for cleansing the impurities from your crystals. Just bury your gems in organic rice for at least 24 hours. Make sure they are in a container large enough for the gem and for it to be covered completely.
Charge Up
At a point in your research, the topic of charging your crystals has come up. Charging is the energizing of the crystals. It can be done along with lunar cycle ritual cleansings and/or as part of your regular cleaning. The two most practiced methods are by light and by smoke.
Moon & Sun
Place your stones in the window or outside before bed so the light of the moon and sun will be directly on it. Not only is this another way of cleansing, but it will also absorb the energies making it now vibrate with the energy you need to absorb from it. Energy from the earth, moon, and sun helps us to reconcile emotion, releasing stress and anxiety leaving us feeling centered and grounded.
This ancient healing practice is deeply rooted in the spiritual practices of the indigenous. It is used to clear homes and spaces of bad energy or spirits, and any stagnant energy. It is also said it increases intuitiveness. Smudging, or burning sage or incense, and passing the stones through the smoke also both charge and cleanse your crystals.
In all methods remember to stay positive. Relax and take your time with your new crystals. Get to know them as they learn you. Recite affirmations, pray, and meditate when you choose your stones and bring them home. Be open and mindful of their power as you connect to yours.
How can I use crystals?

Each crystal has its own special power. Because of that, there are a variety of ways they are used. Crystals are often used in chakra balancing and during meditation to focus on a specific purpose or intention. Many still use crystals as an extra layer of protection in their religious and spiritual practices:
For Grounding
Being connected and present with the earth creates balance in the body and mind. Grounding is a sense of centeredness despite what may be going on around you. Carnelian is said to bring a sense of warmth and comfort while keeping you energized but conscious.
For Anxiety & Nerves
Walking into a room full of people for any reason can make you're a nervous wreck, and with good reason. Not only can it be unnerving to have all eyes on you, but it can also be overwhelming having so many different energies surrounding you. Black Tourmaline protects and heals by repelling negativity and exchanging it with neutrality. Pyrite also wards off negativity shielding you from any bad energy. Carrying one (or both) will keep folks from disturbing your peace and helping you to remain calm. For added benefit, each can be used to counter the effects technology has on our minds and bodies. Placing pyrite on your desk can boost creativity while black tourmaline in your workspace can protect against the electromagnetic waves given off from cell phones and computers.
For Keeping Folks Out of Your Head
Protecting your thoughts is crucial to protecting your peace and maintain your spirituality. Often we are around people who drain us mentally. They could be manipulative, abusive, judgmental, or make you second guess yourself. Jet and Blue Kyanite keep those negative spirits from messing with your head. Blue Kyanite is used to help stay grounded giving you the ability to have heightened intuition and bring clarity to what is being communicated. While Jet is great for empaths who internalize the emotions of others easily. It will absorb those energies for you to help remain clearly in tune for the souls who need your gift.
For Your Home
Home is where the heart is, right? Naturally, we want to place a shield of protection around the one place that is always supposed to embrace you with love, stability, and safety. Kambaba Jasper (Crocodile Jasper) in your home will bring you peace, tranquility, and comfort. Said to be the "super nurturer", placing kambaba jasper in your space forms a pathway of clarity to ease worry and stress. It's that good hug at the end of a long day.
Wearing, Carrying, and Placement of Crystals
There are various ways of carrying or wearing your crystals so they are always with you. You can carry one in a pocket or a pouch. They can be worn as jewelry set in necklaces, bracelets, rings, or earrings. You can even place them in your bra or sock. Placing crystals directly on specific points of the body is an effective tool in chakra healing as each crystal placed will bring positive energy into the specified area drawing out the emotion that is keeping it from healing.
Placing crystals in your home or workspace can also make way for clarity, creativity, serenity, and relaxation. Not sure where to place them? Start with Black Tourmaline at the front door or the four corners of your home inside or outside.

Home Spa Days – The Full Moon Bath Ritual
At-home spa days should be part of everyone's self-care routine. Baths are soothing for the muscles and relaxing to the mind. They are great for the sinuses, helps with inflammation, and are great for your skin. Ritual baths are used in many spiritual practices to cleanse the soul, balance chakras, heal and attract positivity.
It is said that when the moon is full it's the best time to recharge your body and mind. By submerging yourself in water at this time, it will connect you to the moon's flow of energy where you can visualize and manifest.
Your Sacred Space: Preparing the Bathroom
Transform your bathroom into your private oasis. Line the tub with candles and light incense to illuminate the room and offer some aromatherapy. A great candle to try is Detox by TAJ Candles.
Salt baths are used in the full moon rituals to detox and absorb minerals at an increased rate thus allowing for a maximum flow of energy. Baths salts (or bath teas) are easy and economical to DIY with Epsom salt, essential oils, herbs, and dried flower petals. Facial masks are also quick and easy to make with just a few ingredients you probably already have in the fridge. And don't forget the music. Create a playlist ahead of time just for your spa days.
If crystals are part of your spiritual journey, incorporate them into your bath ritual. They can be placed in the bath with you or placed in a separate bowl with water to use while cleansing your face. New to crystals? Here are some tips on how to care for them.
Let the water embrace you.
Lower yourself into the bath and allow the "ahhh" to flow. Breath in the aromas and steam clearing your head from toxins, and your mind from distractions. Close your eyes and be conscious of how your body feels. How does the warmth of the water feel against your skin? Be conscious of the tension being released from you. Meditate on what it is you are letting go of and allowing to enter in. Whatever your focus, stay positive combatting any thoughts that may sway your intention.
Once you're in that peaceful bliss, do something to maintain the vibe. Read or continue meditating on the music. This is a great time to journal affirmations. Scrub and stretch giving your physical body some extra TLC. It's entirely up to you how long your soak. This is your time, take full advantage of it.
Mindfully clear the space.
Stay in the vibe while cleaning once the bath is over. Visualize toxicity, negativity, and obstacles going down the drain. Keep the candles lit (safely), and the music going as you listen to the water flow out. Clean the tub and surrounding area as you normally would at a relaxed pace staying current in the new light that envelops you.
Use the full moon as a marker to when to check in with yourself and the goals you have for your future. Full moon baths are a time for both body and mind to become aligned with its soul center. Make it a practice in your self-care routine.
Wrapping it up…
In this ever-changing world, it has become important to stay conscious and grounded within our spirits. Many of us have embarked on journeys of centeredness and enlightenment. Remember to always protect your peace along the way.
In all methods remember to stay positive. Relax and take your time with your new crystals. Get to know them as they learn you. Recite affirmations, pray, and meditate when you choose your stones and bring them home. Be open and mindful of their power as you connect to yours.
To go deeper here’s a link list:
https://lindseyelmore.com/proper-care-of-crystals-answers-to-the-most-frequently-asked-questions/?q=/proper-care-of-crystals-answers-to-the-most-frequently-asked-questions/& https://www.crystal-life.com/what-crystals-do-how-to-care-for-them/
Author: Kierstin Tonic
Freelance Writer, Entrepreneur
Most Importantly, Mommy
IG & FB: @ktonicwrites