Have you ever tried a recipe, not sure if it would work or not? Well, that is what happened when I tried an oatmeal bath with my daughter Chosen for the first time.

I began researching ways to decrease the itching and rash associated with having eczema. I tried two store bought products but that was it, after a friend gave me a concoction of raw shea butter and organic coconut oil. It worked like a charm to clear it up. However, she was still getting outbreaks, one patch would go away while another patch would appear. It began to get nerve racking.
So, I tried an oatmeal bath by grinding up oatmeal in a blender to powder form, which was supposed to dissolve in the water, well that didn't work at all. The tub was filled with oatmeal, I was never trying that again.
Benefits of Oatmeal on the Skin:
#1: Dry skin quencher
#2: Itchy skin reliever
#3: Gentle exfoliator
#4: Moisture locker
#5: Skin protectant
#6: Deeply cleansing
#7: Suits all skin types
#8: Improves the complexion
I did however want to get to the bottom of what was the cause of the outbreaks, so I looked up what foods could be causing the flare ups;
Eczema Triggering Foods
citrus fruits.
gluten or wheat.
spices, such as vanilla, cloves, and cinnamon.
some types of nuts.
Chosen loves mandarin oranges and drinks a lot of milk. So I reduced the amount of oranges I gave her with meals and cut milk and dairy out of her diet completely.
Other Eczema Triggers;
Cold air. ...
Hot weather. ...
Exposure to water. ...
Stress and anxiety. ...
Detergent. ...
Scented products. ...
I only use plant based laundry detergent or free and clear detergent on her cloths. Her clothes are also washed twice and not washed with anyone else's in our house.
I began researching if a scrub would help soften her skin and aid in the clearing of her skin. I found several recipes for all natural scrubs designed for toddlers. One that stood out was a oatmeal scrub, however it contained sugar so I removed that.
I only used two ingredients; Organic Coconut Oil & Oatmeal!!
Coconut Oil & Oatmeal Scrub
1 Cup - Oats
1 1/4 Cup - Organic Coconut Oil
Add melted coconut oil in bowl
Blend oatmeal into a fine powder. This can be done with a food processor or blender.
Combine oatmeal with coconut oil and stir.
I use this scrub on her 2-3 times per week, along with SheaMoisture 100% Organic Coconut Oil body wash, followed by the concoction of raw shea butter and coconut oil and diet restrictions and have noticed a great improvement.
I actually began using it on myself, as it helps with color discoloration as well.
Let me know if you tried it and how it worked for you!