Black-owned businesses have enjoyed tremendous support since the onset of the pandemic.
Now, online platforms, corporations, and consumers have turned this fully developed support into an ongoing lifestyle. They've further developed purposeful ways to promote these brands.
The latest to join the crusade of supporters is Instagram. The social media platform has pledged to help shoppers' identify black-owned businesses seamlessly on its platform.
In addition, thanks to an updated trademark, U.S.-based companies, a part of shops on Instagram will have a "Black-owned" display label.
In the past year, Instagram has rallied its users to acknowledge and shop from black-owned businesses.

According to an Instagram blog post, the social media platform made over 1.3 million Instagram posts about Black-owned businesses during summer through fall.
At the same time, businesses labeled "Black-labeled" or "Black-owned" businesses in the United States increased 50 percent.
With Instagram having launched its latest feature, these names will become well-known with the owners proud of Black-owned businesses.
"The Black culture and Black community remain essential towards the success of Instagram. Because of its importance, we need to create relevance and create vibrancy in the app. We want to be at a place where we support the passion and creative energy of black people," said Rachel Brooks-a Product Lead at Instagram, who helped design the new feature.
How to access Instagram's new feature
Tap on the edit profile icon.
Select business diversity info to learn how to designate their venture as Black-owned.
Click on get started, where you'll be directed to the diversity info page.
Later, they can turn on the Black-owned business icon, which will help them enable the Black-owned label.
The new device allows these brands to appear in the shop tab. Being highlighted in this area will hopefully help these enterprises to acquire new clients and increase their online sales.
All pieces of this new feature were designed by examining Black-owned businesses' needs and what was needed to ensure they succeed on Instagram's e-commerce space.
Apart from launching the feature, Instagram has also partnered up with @browniepointsforyou, @alexandrawinbush, @ghettogastro, and @blackownedeverything.