Women are constantly in the process of redefining themselves to find their balance in life. However, wearing many hats simultaneously can pose a great challenge. A woman's emotional health is often ignored as she puts others' needs before her own. Women are dealing with high levels of stress, which can cause anxiety and depression.
The Wrightlife Blog had the opportunity of interviewing Kim Bullock - Hennix, a lifestyle coach and CEO of KBH Empowerment Enterprise. She talks about empowering women to transfer their lives from scarcity to developing a mind of abundance and overflow.
How Long have you been in business?
I started my business on October 7, 2015.
How do you begin each day?
I pray, meditate, and visualize my daily goals.
Name three (3) things that set you apart as an entrepreneur?

I reach the heart and soul of my clients in a way that penetrates on a cellular level to provide deep transformation.
I specialize in abundant mindset expertise and Royal protocol spiritual teaching to ignite Queens to reign supreme as spiritual royalty.
My powerful coaching sets my tribe apart from the ordinary, by teaching her clients to step into their God-given destiny by dismissing the bankrupt mindset and embracing royalty as part of their spiritual DNA!
Who inspires you?
Jesus, Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce Knowles, and Michelle Obama.
What Motivates you?
My children
How did you know you had the skill to venture into this business?
When I fully stepped out on faith and gave God permission to use me to my greatest capacity. This is when I began answering the calling in my life to serve others and be an instrument to hope, healing, and happiness.
What is one thing you love about your business?
The lives I change. It brings me great joy to witness the evolution take place in the precious moments I have with my clients.
Where do you see yourself five years from now (Which tools and programs do you plan on using to achieve that?)
I see myself serving internationally and pouring into the lives of millions within the next 5 years. I want to help as many people as I can to live an abundant life full of prosperity.
Did you start your business because of passion?

Absolutely, it is my passion to deliver personal development to women who desire to thrive in life and live ambitiously. I want women to know the sky is the limit and they can reach all of their goals with the proper mindset, skillset, and action set.
How do you handle failures and setbacks?
I learn from them and don't beat myself up when I don't achieve what I wanted. I take the lesson and come back bigger, stronger, wiser.
Join this speaker and a few others to reset your mind and rebalance your business for the 6th Annual Entrepreneur Retreat on May 23, & 24, 2022 in Las Vegas. Select "Retreat" for more information.