So, I have been a mother for two years and four months!!! I legit can’t believe it. I have two girls; Chosen & Epic.
While I was expecting with both girls, I received tons of advice lol

However, during those many conversations on babies and bottles, people forgot to mention a lot of things.
1. I would never shower alone
Literally, yes I’m in the shower alone. However, Chosen is always in the bathroom with me even when my husband is home she still has to be in the room with me.
See, I enjoy showers, they are my happy place. Going through postpartum depression I use my shower time to wash away the day, relax, exfoliate and get in a better mindset.
2. I would never be able to wear earrings
During my pregnancy with Chosen, I noticed anytime I wore earrings my ears would immediately start itching and it continued after I gave birth.
Apparently, you can develop an allergy to nickel so I can’t wear costume jewelry, just earrings that are sterling silver or nickel free.

3. I can’t walk in heels anymore
If you know me, then heels are my thing!! I was always the one with a pair of heels on for hours and never had to take off my shoes at the club, I was a pro!!
That changed after I had Chosen, I could only go a few hours in heels. Then when I gave birth to Epic I have an hour max.

My life has changed so much since having kids and although these three things are a bummer, I’m still grateful to have two beautiful healthy, and happy girls!
What is something you can’t do after having kids but friends and parents didn’t tell could happen to you?
Please share in the comment section!