On Wednesday, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron presided over Breonna Taylor’s grand jury case. Out of the three officers who fired a combined 40+ shots in the middle of a March night (12:40 A.M.) only one was found guilty. Brett Hankison received a fourth degree felony wanton endangerment charge for the damage he inflicted to neighboring properties. Myles Cosgrove and John Mattingly will walk.

The issue to focus on here is: the discrepancies in justice from all different angles.
As Daniel Cameron deemed items of evidence as inconclusive (i.e. the one witness of 14 who testified to hearing police announce) the grand jury was unable to deliberate important contextual details to the case because they were not made present by the AG.
Police officers and privileged individuals may receive different treatment within the justice system (Approach, Presentation, Proceedings)
The Kentucky State Police and the FBI found discrepancies between which bullet killed Breonna Taylor: KY State Investigators were unable to determine the fatal shot
FBI Ballistics report determined 1 of Myles Cosgrove 16 discharged bullets resulted in Breonna Taylor’s demise.
President Donald Trump has stated that Daniel Cameron is, “handling the matter very well and sticks to uphold only “the facts and the law.” (MW)
Trump’s statement - much like the verdict - lacks context. Rather than applauding Cameron for handling multiple investigations, city barricades and national news + FBI presence his vague statement only leads to further flame fanning.
“Get rid of the ballots and there won’t be a transferral of power only a continuation”
Trump has been complaining of ballot fraud, while also showing opposition to a potential peaceful transferral of power.
Suffering, pain and agony continues to flood the hearts of anyone affected by Breonna Taylor’s tragic occurrence.
A 2015 study by Bryan Patrick Schaefer found that for 73 warrants studied, all 73 warrant served by the Louisville Police Department with a battering ram. (UL)
Why middle of the night on tangential witness to investigation?
Why altered times on police reports?
Why was there not additional information/connection to establish Taylor’s involvement in alleged drug conspiracy?
Despite surveillance on her home at 3003 Springfield Avenue (no outward facing cameras), police were unaware that anyone other than Breonna Taylor would be present upon serving their no-knock warrant. Prior to arrival, they did not have any concrete evidence that would pose Taylor as a danger/threat.
In the eyes of Daniel Cameron, Kenneth Walker’s unexpected presence coupled with one warning shot into Mattingly’s leg elicited “justifiable force” from these Narcotics officers involved. As per FBI Ballistics, Cosgrove fired 16 shots, Mattingly fired 6 and Hankison 10.

The warrant submitted to Mary M. Shaw was “copy and paste” verbatim for Breonna Taylor and the four other no-knock warrants issued within a 12 minute time span. The officer who submitted the warrant was not present at the scene on that March evening.
There are clearly policing errors and state legislation only compounded their awful display of community servitude.
What a terrible precedent to set...Mary M. Shaw granted those warrants without merit and in defiance of Supreme Court precedent.
She will not receive any charges either due to the “Exclusionary Rule” even as the no-knock warrant was deemed illegal by a 5-4 Kentucky state vote. (Mattingly manifesto above)
Ian Romaker
